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Press Release: Feed A Child This Christmas

Press Release: Feed A Child This Christmas

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”
— Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady of the United States

At Masobe Books the above quote resonates deeply within us. It is part of our civic responsibility to our fatherland to believe the best of the children and to provide them with the opportunities they need to blossom.

This is why we are throwing our support behind the good work of Christmas on the Streetz; a platform dedicated to making sure as many children as possible, no matter how lowly their families might be, have a sense of belonging, a sense of family. Every year on Christmas Day, this organisation makes sure the children of the floating community of Makoko have a jolly celebration with food, gifts, and books to boot. Please visit for more details on this.

On our part, we are pledging to donate 10% of every book purchased from starting from today 10 December, 2020 to 20 December, 2020. Beyond that, we shall be donating children’s books to be gifted to the kids. We will also gift copies of selected Masobe titles to the organisers of this laudable initiative.

See Also

We call on you to kindly support us in this quest by purchasing as many copies of Masobe Books as you can. God bless you and your families this season.

For more information, please contact: Theresa Egware at 07018383286, email:

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